Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Happy June 2024 and Happy Pride Month, Beloveds!

What a beautiful temperate day today! I hope you're enjoying the changeable June weather. My life has recently had a bump in the road with my housemate not working out. He has till July 3rd to move out. Hopefully that will happen without drama and be a smooth transition for both of us! I watched myself feel combative and a little uncertain about asking him to leave after realizing he was not following the lease agreement. I was doubting myself not knowing what to do. I opened Facebook and found this from Mitch Davidowitz:

"We would never ask someone if we were hungry. Though we forget that others may have information that is already known by us. It is often the case that when we ask for advice, we want confirmation of that fact. It might be that we need "permission" to act on it. When we trust deeply in our intuition, we align with a treasure chest of wisdom. As we name and claim our truth, we become more comfortable in believing it. There is a young place in many of us that wants to be told what to do so that we do not make a mistake."

I realized I did know what was best and immediately sent him the 4 week notice. After a brief kerfuffle inside, I decided to let go of the negative and stay with a loving attitude for myself and for him. We can agree to disagree and move on.

Making that choice changed my "weather". My inner sun came out and I could hear the birds singing again inside and out. This happened after going out for a swim and wanting to avoid coming back home, fearful of an unpleasant vibe in the house. When I realized I was making up a story, I shifted my attitude, opened my heart and let each moment evolve instead of worrying and contacting. What a pleasant change! All has been quiet and pleasant since. Yeah! If any unpleasantness arises I will deal with it then. This shift has been a long time coming and I'm delighted it has arrived!

I plan to re-rent the room by mid-August if not before. I'll be asking between $650 and $700 a month this time. If you or someone you know would like to share my home please let me know!

love is who you are

Upcoming Classes

Offering another All Love Zoom on Thursday, June 20th from 8pm to 10pm. The fee is $20 which is received through Zelle (preferred) or PayPal. Contact me for the link and further payment details at Next month I'm shifting our All Love Zoom from the 3rd Thursdays to the 2nd Thursday of the month starting July 11, 2024. You're welcome to call me at 410-598-1010 for more information.

I hope you can join me in August with Patrick Zeigler in Vienna, Virginia! Come one or all four days. I recommend all four! See the flyer below for more information. Let Karuna know I sent you when you sign up!

Sekhem All Love Vienna August 2024
Patrick and Me Fairfax Make a Wish

In Closing

The picture to the right is from the July 2022 All Love class with Patrick. A little promotion for the depth of laughter that happens there. (Grin)

I continue to work on the finishing touches of my memoir and am closer to getting it self-published on Amazon. My wonderful editor is currently editing my Appendix that she wisely encouraged me to add. Thanks Dvora! I started writing the book in 2010. It's been quite a process, to say the least! Next is designing the layout and getting a few 'Beta Readers' to read it and make comments. Would love to have it on Amazon this December. We shall see.

I hope you are having a blissful June! I always appreciate hearing from you and getting feedback about my newsletter or, even better, hearing how you are and what is unfolding in your life. Sending you many Blessings and much love in your unfolding journey!

All Love,

Sherry Tuegel

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