Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Happy June 2024 and Happy Pride Month, Beloveds!

What a beautiful temperate day today! I hope you're enjoying the changeable June weather. My life has recently had a bump in the road with my housemate not working out. He has till July 3rd to move out. Hopefully that will happen without drama and be a smooth transition for both of us! I watched myself feel combative and a little uncertain about asking him to leave after realizing he was not following the lease agreement. I was doubting myself not knowing what to do. I opened Facebook and found this from Mitch Davidowitz:

"We would never ask someone if we were hungry. Though we forget that others may have information that is already known by us. It is often the case that when we ask for advice, we want confirmation of that fact. It might be that we need "permission" to act on it. When we trust deeply in our intuition, we align with a treasure chest of wisdom. As we name and claim our truth, we become more comfortable in believing it. There is a young place in many of us that wants to be told what to do so that we do not make a mistake."

I realized I did know what was best and immediately sent him the 4 week notice. After a brief kerfuffle inside, I decided to let go of the negative and stay with a loving attitude for myself and for him. We can agree to disagree and move on.

Making that choice changed my "weather". My inner sun came out and I could hear the birds singing again inside and out. This happened after going out for a swim and wanting to avoid coming back home, fearful of an unpleasant vibe in the house. When I realized I was making up a story, I shifted my attitude, opened my heart and let each moment evolve instead of worrying and contacting. What a pleasant change! All has been quiet and pleasant since. Yeah! If any unpleasantness arises I will deal with it then. This shift has been a long time coming and I'm delighted it has arrived!

I plan to re-rent the room by mid-August if not before. I'll be asking between $650 and $700 a month this time. If you or someone you know would like to share my home please let me know!

love is who you are

Upcoming Classes

Offering another All Love Zoom on Thursday, June 20th from 8pm to 10pm. The fee is $20 which is received through Zelle (preferred) or PayPal. Contact me for the link and further payment details at Next month I'm shifting our All Love Zoom from the 3rd Thursdays to the 2nd Thursday of the month starting July 11, 2024. You're welcome to call me at 410-598-1010 for more information.

I hope you can join me in August with Patrick Zeigler in Vienna, Virginia! Come one or all four days. I recommend all four! See the flyer below for more information. Let Karuna know I sent you when you sign up!

Sekhem All Love Vienna August 2024
Patrick and Me Fairfax Make a Wish

In Closing

The picture to the right is from the July 2022 All Love class with Patrick. A little promotion for the depth of laughter that happens there. (Grin)

I continue to work on the finishing touches of my memoir and am closer to getting it self-published on Amazon. My wonderful editor is currently editing my Appendix that she wisely encouraged me to add. Thanks Dvora! I started writing the book in 2010. It's been quite a process, to say the least! Next is designing the layout and getting a few 'Beta Readers' to read it and make comments. Would love to have it on Amazon this December. We shall see.

I hope you are having a blissful June! I always appreciate hearing from you and getting feedback about my newsletter or, even better, hearing how you are and what is unfolding in your life. Sending you many Blessings and much love in your unfolding journey!

All Love,

Sherry Tuegel

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Happy April Beloveds!

I'm enjoying sitting in my big gold recliner watching the clouds pass by in the bright blue sky with my gorgeous pink ornamental cherry tree dancing in the breeze outside. Inside I've filled my house with colorful Easter decorations echoing the Spring season. I do love surrounding myself in seasonal reminders and so enjoy these little comforts.

Being around my things that echo my past with family and friends brings me much comfort. That comfort got challenged by a session with Patrick Zeigler this past week. He told me I should sell everything and move to another country where I could live easily on $2000 a month. There are travel visas that I could use to check multiple countries and find the perfect place for me...maybe even beach front.

I loved the idea of being free from worry about money and possibly living beach front! I was crushed by the idea of giving up my familiar surroundings and living so far from my friends. Patrick felt I could be truly happy without the many burdens of my current lifestyle. He's right. I'm just hoping to manifest a way to be without the burden and keep or improve my current lifestyle.

I told Patrick that my home is my installation art. Letting it all go would be like throwing away my artwork. I also felt I would be losing part of my heritage but didn't mention that to him. On the flip side of this reaction, in 2008 when I returned from my retreat with Patrick in New Zealand, I walked into my home in Towson and felt aversion to all of my things. I felt the weight of it all and wanted all of it gone. I was very uncomfortable and prayed that I could enjoy my current surroundings as I let it all go. I soon started enjoying my things again and haven't wanted to let them go since then.

I guess I'm spirit caught in my material world. Part of me is free and part is very much attached to my familiar comforts. My session with Patrick opened my heart through the grief I felt as I imaged letting everything go. I am very grateful for the heart opening and also the possibility of another lifestyle. I plan to investigate Costa Rica soon. Who knows what the future holds. My baseline remains loving myself and others as best I can however my life evolves.

Sekhem All Love Vienna August 2024
love is who you are

Upcoming Classes

I hope you'll join us in August for another heart opening experience with Patrick Zeigler! You will thank me as many have! See above for all the info and contact Karuna to register. Do let Karuna know you heard about it from me! Thanks! You can also get in touch with me to learn more too.

I'm offering another All Love Zoom on this coming Thursday, April 18th from 8pm to 10pm. The fee is $20 and you can pay through PayPal with my email or Zelle (preferred) with my phone number 410-598-1010. BTW, Zelle shows my name as Sharon Tuegel. Email me for the Zoom link at

Tulip with Mouse

In Closing

The recent solar eclipse was amazing to experience! I think that the heavens do effect us. I heard that many people have felt exhaustion and overwhelm recently, maybe due to the eclipse and planet alignments. True or false, I know I felt exhausted and emotionally low of late. Happily today it has lifted. I try to accept and invite the emotional visitors in, as Rumi encourages...or I hide and sleep a lot.

Here is Rumi's The Guest House:

This being human is a guesthouse.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ o ~

I have learned a lot from all the visitors, sometimes begrudgingly. I try to not beat myself up for being the flawed human I am and remember my mantra: 'I love you, Sherry. I love you no matter what you say, no matter what you do. I love you, I have always loved you and I will always love you!'

Be gentle with yourselves, Beloveds, and enjoy the beautiful Spring. Please reach out to me if you need support through any overwhelm or just reach out to share what you've been up to recently. I love hearing from you! May we all thrive and share the love we came here for!

Love and Sweet Blessings,

Sherry Tuegel


©2024 Body Beloved |


Happy March Beloveds!

spring blossoms 2

I've been delighting in the warm beautiful weather and the early blossoms on the trees and bushes. Spring Equinox is in a few days and I'm looking forward to the lush landscape Spring offers. I’m happy to report that I’ve finally recovered from the shock of replacing my HVAC unit with the support of many prayers, much love and gifts of generosity from friends and family. Thank you, my Beloved Ones! The love I felt flowing to me was palpable! It still is!

February into March was a challenge for me. I was humbled by my lack of equanimity. My cherished contentment took a hike leaving me with anxiety and fear about losing my precious comforts. Most or many of you know what a ‘comfort queen’ I am. The lessons continue to unfold and I’m happy to report that the fear and anxiety have disappeared. Part of me was quietly and lovingly observing my reactions while I was in freakout mode. I had a hard time accessing that quiet part but it is finally present and accessible now. Yes, my middle name is Chagrin. Wink. Wink.

I continue to look for new income streams and have happily found a new housemate who plans to move in next week. I believe he will be a delight to have in my home. I’m considering putting together some new Body Beloved and Healing classes that blend the many modalities I'm trained in. I'll let you know what develops. Your continuing loving prayers and support are welcome and appreciated deeply!

Lastly, I am very excited to report that I got my book back from my editor. Whoopie! Thank you, Beloved Dvora Konstant!!! Now to go over everything and get it back to her for the final edits before book design. Since money is short, I hope to figure out how to design the book myself and get it on Amazon. It is truly a joy to be working on the book again! Hoping to have it on Amazon before the end of the year. I’ll keep you posted!

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Upcoming Class

This month I'm offering another heart opening All Love Zoom on Thursday, March 21st from 8pm to 10pm. The fee is $20 per person. You can pay me with Zelle (preferred) using my phone number: 410-598-1010 (shows Sharon Tuegel as my name) or PayPal using my email, Come dive into the love!

Gangaji photo

In Closing

Offering a wonderful quote from one of my favorite teachers, Gangaji. I have felt deeply supported recently as I've moved through my many distractions. I hope you are surrounded by love and support as you move through your precious life. Please do reach out to me if you are in need of love and support. We are here to give and receive in this Play of Light. As always, I love to hear how your life is unfolding. Call or email me and let me know how you're doing. Sending much love and many sweet blessings your way!
With Love & Joy Always,

Sherry Tuegel


©2024 Body Beloved |

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Happy Valentine's Day, Beloveds!

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I was gifted today with a beautiful bouquet of exotic flowers for a belated Birthday and Valentine's Day. Thank you Beloved Elise! What a sweet surprise! I needed the delight and brightening of my home after a not so sweet surprise. On Saturday, February 3rd, I woke up to my heat not working. I called a big company thinking they could fix it quickly. Nope. It was dead. Apparently it was over 20 years old and it had exceeded its lifetime. They wanted $14,000 to install and new HVAC on Monday. Luckily my dear friend Loren Duffey (If you need a great Realtor call him at 443-794-6140!) referred me to a good reliable guy. $7,900 later I have a new HVAC unit. Luckily I had room on a credit card but I'm not looking forward to the larger payments. I'm looking for a housemate again to help cover the expense. If you know anyone who you think might be a good fit please let me know. Give them my email and phone number and have them call me. Best times are between 11am and 7pm. ( or 410-598-1010)
Here is the link with all the info on Craigslist:

I spent a lot of time in overwhelm and fear since February 3rd. It has been quite the tailspin but I'm finally settling down as I make plans to manage the increased debt. Thomas Mooneagle, my dear gifted Shamanic and Matrix Energetics + friend did a healing for me. One image he got was me being the ball in a pinball machine bouncing off of all those flippers and such. His work really helped me shift from the fear. Other friends have been praying and sending Reiki. I feel very well loved and cared for! What an experience! I'm praying all will fall into place and I will have a wonderful housemate here soon and a manageable debt load!

Things have been slow with clients which has added to my concern so I'm offering a $20 discount on all my sessions through March to inspire some interest. If you decide to come in, please mention this newsletter offer to get the discount. If you care to send donations my way you may send them to PayPal with the above email or use Zelle with the above phone number. It feels odd to be asking for donations but I could really use the support if you have a little to give.

So that's my story right now. I love Pema Chodron's book Comfortable with Uncertainty. I can tell you I have not been comfortable. Humbled and chagrinned once again! Have I mentioned my middle name is Chagrin? I mentioned it in my upcoming memoir. The book is still in editing. I hope to be able to get it out soon. Fingers crossed!

Upcoming Classes

I would love for you to join me on Thursday, February 15th for another heart opening All Love Zoom. We begin at 8pm and end at 10pm EST. The fee is $20 and you can send me payment through Zelle with my phone number 410-598-1010 (preferred) or through PayPal at Email me for the link. The March All Love Zoom will be on March 21st at the same times. Come dive in to the Love!

Rumi return to the root

In Closing

I love Rumi's wisdom. As I struggled with my fear and overwhelm I worked to remember my "root". The animal I am went into full alert fight or flight mode swinging between the two so quickly it made my head spin. I was actually trembling in fear off and on for a few days. My mind was in overdrive trying to figure a way out of my situation. It was indeed humbling! As I come back to my 'root' I am lifted up with Love. A calm inner Self reappears after being 'upregulated' as my dear friend Kathy says. Prayers and love are welcome as I continue on this new journey. I hold the frightened and uncertain part of me to my heart and tell her I love her and that it will be okay. That has been soothing along with the love from each of you over the years! As my friend June has taught me, 'It's an adventure!' Onward and upward! Sending love and gratitude to you all!

Many Sweet Blessings,

Sherry Tuegel

Saturday, January 20, 2024


Enjoy my January 2024 Newsletter, Beloveds!

Happy 2024 Beloveds!

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Hope you're enjoying the snow!
I am!
Happily, I get someone else to clean up my walk and driveway. I'm sitting here in my cozy warm house (see left) looking out at the snow through my lace curtains, surrounded by my remaining Christmas decorations as I type this to you. The tree had to go earlier for pick up and I was going to take the rest down today but the snow encouraged me to wait a little while longer. I'm pretending I'm still having a white Christmas.

On the first night after the snow I took the picture below. I have sweet memories of my Dad putting those big old fashioned colored outdoor lights on our bushes in Winchester. They weren't old fashioned then, of course. When the snow covered them they would glow beneath it, slowly melting a pocket around each light. I always try to capture my Christmas twinkle lights in the snow as a tribute to Dad. He was an amazing man and a gifted crafter. He once took a 4'X8' sheet of plywood, cut and painted it to look like a ribboned Christmas package that said "Merry Christmas from the Fraulas'. He put it in our yard with a spotlight on it to be sure it was viewable from Route 522 at night. (I try to use my best southern accent when I tell people I grew up on the corner of Apple Pie Ridge and Pughtown Pike (522).

January 2024 Snow with christmas lights

Upcoming Classes

As some of you may know, I canceled the January in-person class due to the increased illnesses in the area along with low enrollment. Johns Hopkins has reinstated using masks in all their facilities due to a jump in hospitalizations. Zooms are still on and we just had a beautiful heart opening All Love Zoom last night, the 18th. I plan to wait to put together another in-person class for a bit.

I decided to add something new to my All Love Zoom last night. With everyone's permission I offered a Matrix Energetics module for healing. It was well received and I will likely offer it again in the future. The February All Love Zoom will be on Thursday the 15th from 8pm to 10pm. I hope you can join me. Email me at for the link. The fee is $20 and paid with my phone number, 410-598-1010 on Zelle (preferred) or on PayPal using the above email. Stay well out there!

You can borrow my belief in you FB

In Closing

I've recently had some bouts of loneliness come up over the Holidays. After my Birthday on January 2nd I had my "the party's over syndrome" kick in. One friend aptly called it ennui. After living in a state of contentment for the last 5 months, this knocked me for a loop. I was disappointed in myself and felt a bit at a loss. My spiritual ego was very disappointed in me. Part of me is still living in that disappointment and fear. Luckily I pulled a card from Osho's Zen Tarot deck that gave me some guidance. It was called Success:
"Watch the waves in the ocean. The higher the wave goes, the deeper is the wake that follows it. One moment you are the wave, another moment you are the hollow wake that follows. Enjoy both - don't get addicted to one. Don't say: I would always like to be on the peak. It is not possible. Simply see the fact: it is not possible. It has never happened and it will never happen. It is simply impossible - not in the nature of things. Then what to do?

Enjoy the peak while it lasts and enjoy the valley when it comes. What is wrong with the valley? What is wrong with being low? It is a relaxation. A peak is an excitement, and nobody can exist continuously in an excitement."

I had lost faith in myself for a while and occasionally am still faulting. A few dear friends have held the space for me while I struggled. Thank you Beloveds! (See the photo above.)
If you lose your way please remember to reach out to someone you trust to hold the space for you as you move through the valley. I'm here for you too, even as I struggle. Sometimes I come together more supporting others. It helps me remember mySelf.

I pray that your days be full of love and joy with the valleys few. Remember to allow yourself rest in the valley when it comes. Do reach out and let me know how your life is going in this new year. I love to hear from you! Sending you much love and many sweet blessings!

Love Always,